Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dialysis Day #2...


Day #2 of Dialysis for Cortnee went better~but longer. She is such a trooper! You never really understand the stress and uneasy feeling that you have until YOU have to go through something like this. You look at that machine and know that it is literally, saving your life at this point. It is scary. It is hard. It is a must for her to survive.

People have struggles everyday. No one is immune from them. The way that we handle them actually makes us who we are. Some people can laugh them off. Some can cry them away. Some give up. We are choosing to fight! We know that through these struggles, that we can become better people. Even have a chance to share our story with someone else and make a difference in their life...TO FIGHT!

Thank you for being apart of our journey. Thank you for the kind words, prayers, donations and most of all, your love. Please, keep them coming. Our journey has just begun and the road is going to be long and trying.

We love you Cortnee and hope that you can soon feel better and stronger.