Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dialysis #3...The strong will survive!

She's a Fighter

Day #3 of Dialysis, 4 hours worth. Hopefully she will soon feel some good out of it all. I know that she has quit throwing up so that is awesome. She had lost some weight during that time and she needs to stay stable from her out. Feeling better would be even better. At least we can see that smile! 

Thank you to everyone who is helping to keep her spirits high. Every little thing makes a difference. This has been super hard and we are taking it day by day. I often wonder why so many people are affected by this. Are they that special and God know's just what they can handle? Cortnee is strong, she is a fighter. I know that she is going to pull through all of this... with the help of others. Please share her story. Share her her gofundme page. Share our upcoming benefit concert and help us spread the word.

She deserves this chance to raise her sweet daughter and be around to watch her grow up. With our help, we can do this! 

If you are in the St. George area, you will not want to miss this. Kalamity is a Dance group that performs for special causes like this. I have had the opportunity to work with them this past year and have seen the great things they accomplish. Their slogan is "DANCE FOR A CAUSE, NOT APPLAUSE" but they deserve all the applause that they get. They are amazing group of people and I love them with all my heart. Also, my friends have put together a BAKE SALE n SILENT AUCTIOn to help raise even more money. All proceeds got to help Cortnee and her surgery expense.
If you want to donate, please contact me, Cortnee or Syd. 

We love you Cort! Stay strong <3

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