Sunday, January 18, 2015

Let our story begin...

Meet Cortnee! 

At the age of 13, Cortnee was diagnosed with Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. She actively got involved in Diabetes Camps and soon moved up to be a counselor. This helped to educate her at a young age about her diabetes. 

Cortnee is now 42 years old and a single mom of a beautiful 15 year old girl. She has had many struggles with health due to her diabetes but a few months ago she heard the most devastating news. Cortnee is in Stage 5 Kidney Failure and needs a kidney transplant as soon as possible. To make this even more tragic, she lost her job. Her transplant coordinators were able to help get her insurance to fund the surgery but she really needs our help to pay for her living and medical expenses that aren't covered by her insurance. Hopefully, a miracle will happen and Cortnee will be able to receive her kidney transplant soon. We have set up a gofundme account to help with her expenses. 

You can donate to:
No donation is to small and we appreciate everyone who has helped us so far.

We will be updating this blog to give you more details about her journey. 
Thank you for taking the time to read about "Kidney4Cortnee".

 Prayers and donations would be greatly appreciated.  

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