Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dialysis Re-do

Monday, Cortnee went in for dialysis and they ended up redoing her line. 
It kept getting plugged so the dialysis was not working.

Today, I asked her how it was flowing instead of how it was going? 
Her reply~ REALLY GOOD!

So, keep those prayers coming. She was just starting to heal from having 
that placed in her and now she gets to start healing all over again. 
Hopefully, this will be the last time they have to redo it.

Cortnee amazes me everyday. With everything that is going on, she still 
tries to keep up a strong and courageous attitude. We know that this is 
just her life line right now and it will make her stronger for her 
upcoming surgery. Way to go girl! Keep up the good work.

We love you Cortnee!

We still have our gofundme page if you would like to donate to Cortnee.

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