Sunday, January 25, 2015

Kalamity Concert T- Shirts

These are our T-shirts for our upcoming concert next Sat. that Kalamity is putting on for us. They are $15 each. If you would like to order one, please text or call me. We need orders in TODAY by 6 pm.  (Alison 435-619-1085)

Thank you Kalamity FamBam!

The show is going to be awesome! Mark it on your calendar~you won't want to miss it. Plus, LOTS of great food and items for silent auction. All proceeds go to help with kidney transplant expenses. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dialysis #3...The strong will survive!

She's a Fighter

Day #3 of Dialysis, 4 hours worth. Hopefully she will soon feel some good out of it all. I know that she has quit throwing up so that is awesome. She had lost some weight during that time and she needs to stay stable from her out. Feeling better would be even better. At least we can see that smile! 

Thank you to everyone who is helping to keep her spirits high. Every little thing makes a difference. This has been super hard and we are taking it day by day. I often wonder why so many people are affected by this. Are they that special and God know's just what they can handle? Cortnee is strong, she is a fighter. I know that she is going to pull through all of this... with the help of others. Please share her story. Share her her gofundme page. Share our upcoming benefit concert and help us spread the word.

She deserves this chance to raise her sweet daughter and be around to watch her grow up. With our help, we can do this! 

If you are in the St. George area, you will not want to miss this. Kalamity is a Dance group that performs for special causes like this. I have had the opportunity to work with them this past year and have seen the great things they accomplish. Their slogan is "DANCE FOR A CAUSE, NOT APPLAUSE" but they deserve all the applause that they get. They are amazing group of people and I love them with all my heart. Also, my friends have put together a BAKE SALE n SILENT AUCTIOn to help raise even more money. All proceeds got to help Cortnee and her surgery expense.
If you want to donate, please contact me, Cortnee or Syd. 

We love you Cort! Stay strong <3

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dialysis Day #2...


Day #2 of Dialysis for Cortnee went better~but longer. She is such a trooper! You never really understand the stress and uneasy feeling that you have until YOU have to go through something like this. You look at that machine and know that it is literally, saving your life at this point. It is scary. It is hard. It is a must for her to survive.

People have struggles everyday. No one is immune from them. The way that we handle them actually makes us who we are. Some people can laugh them off. Some can cry them away. Some give up. We are choosing to fight! We know that through these struggles, that we can become better people. Even have a chance to share our story with someone else and make a difference in their life...TO FIGHT!

Thank you for being apart of our journey. Thank you for the kind words, prayers, donations and most of all, your love. Please, keep them coming. Our journey has just begun and the road is going to be long and trying.

We love you Cortnee and hope that you can soon feel better and stronger.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dialysis, Day #1

Not much fun to start dialysis but we know that it is Cortnee's best chance to start to feel better before her kidney transplant surgery. They had a few minor set backs trying to get it started, a few tears and a lot of prayers but she tolerated her first dialysis well. I talked to her today and she hadn't noticed much change yet. I thought that maybe she would become a super hero overnight. But, she already is one! I know that with each session, she will begin to regain her strength back and feel better. As we say, "One Day At A Time". 

Thank you for everyone's thoughts and prayers. We can feel the love that you are sending. Keep it coming...


donate at:

Monday, January 19, 2015

Kalamity Dance Fundraiser is set!


Kalamity Dance has offered to put on a show 
for us to raise money for our expenses

Here is the information for our fundraiser to be held at SCHS on Jan 31st. 
We need people to help with with the following:

**bottles of water to sell

**BAKE SALE items: they need to be individually wrapped or on a plate with wrapping on them. Don't worry about pricing them, that will be done by someone else. The cuter they look, the better they sell. It can be anything baked or donated by a company (Great Harvest, 21 Main, Lins, etc) ...breads, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, chex mix in cups, pop corn in bags, caramel pop corn balls in bags, salsa. golden fish crackers put in little baggies...etc

**SILENT AUCTION: they will be silent auctioning anything that is donated. It is NOT a garage/yard sale. Things need to be in good condition. Business have made up baskets, given gift certificates, sport tickets, homemade items such as blankets, towels, diaper cakes, stained glass, doll clothes, headbands. Anything that you think will be sold. Again, it is all in the presentation on selling them. 

People can contact Laura Ross 435-669-5807 or Alison 435-619-1085 if you have any donations. Nothing is too small and we just want to generate as much money as possible. 

I have volunteered for Kalamity Dance this past year and I can see the amazing things that they can do. The show is amazing! They dance for a cause, not applause! I love them all!

If you can not donate items or go to the show, money donations are also being accepted. You can give those to me and I will add it to the show money or we have a gofundme account set up. (there is a small fee taken out of the amount that we get by using gofundme)

All donated items for the show need to be to SCHS by 4 pm the day of the show so we can get it set up. If you need help getting them there, please let me know. We have people to help pick things up. Please contact your friends and try to get some donations. Also, share this flyer on FB and Instagram. We need to get the word out so we pack the house!

Thank You so much!
We love you and we appreciate the words of encouragement that you have given us

Alison Snow, Cortnee Hellyer and our families 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Cortnee's New Cath!

Cortnee received her new catheter on Friday so that she can begin dialysis Monday. She will be having it 3 days a week for now and hopefully that will start to make her feel better. Her kidney function is down to 10% and her kidney doctor said that dialysis would make her even stronger for surgery.

Not any fun...
Showing off her new cath!

We hope to have a date for surgery soon so keep watching for the news! 
Thank you for love and support.
Love, Cortnee & Alison

Let our story begin...

Meet Cortnee! 

At the age of 13, Cortnee was diagnosed with Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. She actively got involved in Diabetes Camps and soon moved up to be a counselor. This helped to educate her at a young age about her diabetes. 

Cortnee is now 42 years old and a single mom of a beautiful 15 year old girl. She has had many struggles with health due to her diabetes but a few months ago she heard the most devastating news. Cortnee is in Stage 5 Kidney Failure and needs a kidney transplant as soon as possible. To make this even more tragic, she lost her job. Her transplant coordinators were able to help get her insurance to fund the surgery but she really needs our help to pay for her living and medical expenses that aren't covered by her insurance. Hopefully, a miracle will happen and Cortnee will be able to receive her kidney transplant soon. We have set up a gofundme account to help with her expenses. 

You can donate to:
No donation is to small and we appreciate everyone who has helped us so far.

We will be updating this blog to give you more details about her journey. 
Thank you for taking the time to read about "Kidney4Cortnee".

 Prayers and donations would be greatly appreciated.